PAPR meets the Governor of Puerto Rico as part of the Puerto Rico Trade Mission

February 13-14, 2023
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Pedro Perluisi – The Governor of Puerto Rico met with the Polish delegation as part of the trade mission organized by the Polish Association of Puerto Rico.

Monday February 13 was a historic day in the Polish-Puerto Rican relations as it marked the first day of the Puerto Rico Trade Mission organized by the Polish Association of Puerto Rico in collaboration with the 60 Million Congress. The first meetings took place in the morning at La Concha where over 30 Business leaders including mostly presidents and CEO’s of top Polish companies had a chance to meet with various Puerto Rican agencies and entrepreneurs. The meeting included speeches and presentations  by Oskar Kowalski and Lukas Macniak from the Polish Association of Puerto Rico,  John Bozek from Invest Puerto Rico , Gregory Fryc from the 60 Million Congress and entrepreneurs Jerry Pierce and Michael Perluisi

The Polish delegation that included business leaders from  medical, agriculture, food, energy, construction and IT sectors of economy was thrilled to learn and ask questions  about the  opportunities provided by the island.


Meeting with the Governor

After the morning meetings the delegation proceeded to meet with Pedro Perluisi the Governor of Puerto Rico at La Fortaleza the government headquarters. The Governor and his associates spoke highly of the cooperation between Poland and Puerto Rico and presented additional incentives and opportunities for Polish companies at the island. The Polish delegation asked questions but also mentioned trade and business opportunities that exist for Puerto Rican companies looking to expand to Poland and Europe. The meeting was highly successful as it laid grounds for further cooperation , provided both sides with crucial information and connectivity between business and political leaders. The Governor also conducted an interview for the Polish National Television.


Meeting with Businesses

The second day of the Trade Mission included private sector meetings between CEO’s from Poland and Puerto Rico that took place at various locations on the island. Members of the trade mission also had an opportunity to see investments and developments that are currently being conducted on the island and that provide opportunities for Polish companies.